Light, Distance, Time began in 1955 and continued with the unearthing of my grandmother’s film in October of 2021. This collaboration between myself and my grandmother, whom I have never met, examines the desire to document memory and transform reality into carefully curated compositions. In Light, Distance, Time, film is a physical form that lives and dies like the memories it captures. Although at once pristine, these images of midcentury America physically decay in front of our eyes and call to question the integrity of memory and our attempt to preserve it.

Light, Distance, Time incorporates found footage from the Kodak archives as well as ‘found’ footage discovered in a North Carolina attic alongside a 1960 Kodak Brownie Movie Camera, Acme Movie-Lites, and a Kodak 8mm projector—all of which were used to archive the Kodachrome in this film.